Wednesday, 22 February 2017


In my years of living I had many animals and I consider them part of my family.

Prince was the sweetest animal a mixture of jack russel and chihuahua and he was about two and half foot tall with the whitest of fur I have ever seen.

Prince was mine and I trained him from young as I do all my animal family to use the out doors to relieve themselves.

And to come into the house, hit the door or make a noise when they want to go out or come in.

My sisters were always amused to see how easily I trained my animal family and I always told them that it will come naturally if your heart is loving and willing.

Prince understood me so well, animals are so intelligent and I like the way they just embrace an individual with a loving heart.

I never put a chain on prince or any of my animal family because just like humans animals should be free.

So prince was able to come and go as he please, and most of the time he would just follow me around and look so peacefully into my eyes before he lay on the tiles in my room.

I would hug him so often and feel the loving vibe that he gave off, and it made me feel so good.

I was saddened by his early passing as someone give him something to eat that killed him.

And that day I found him he was looking at me with a broken heart as he didn't want to leave me.

And I stood with him and rub his fur and told him that I will see him when ever Father Creator God was ready for me to go home.

And as I rubbed his fur I told him I was going to be okay and that he could go home and I pray to Father God to deal with the individual who put their hands to poison my prince.

I've had many others after Prince but the sweet memories of Prince I have put away in my heart for safe keeping and I do remember him and always smile to see how sweet and adorable he was.

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